Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Well summer is on it's way! Yay..which means more time to spend with my kids. I'll be working during the summer too but not full time and not the whole summer. These past few weeks have been such a whirlwind.
My eldest daughter turned 9 and she had a slumber party. We kicked my son and hubby out.My daughter invited 9 friends and I invited one of the moms to help me out and keep me sane. I Came to realize though that the total body count was 16! My daughter+9 friends+my friend+her 2little ones+me and my 2 little ones= One fun and crazy slumber party. We watched Princess Diary 1 and 2 and ate pizza and popcorn. Then decorated cupcakes. The next morning was muffins, bananas and oj. Notice how I didn't cook anything? (except for the cake). Then when the girls left on Saturday we left to0 visit my Grandparents and Aunt, who live 3 hours away and spent the night at their place. Needless to say...we came back tired. But it was a fun weekend. I think this weekend we will spend at home...the whole time!

I want to thank you all for the prayers for my brother. Please...please continue to pray for him. This has been such a trying time for him and the whole family. Please be praying for his two boys as well. Thank you.