Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well here it is..however humble it may be. I did tackle my laundry today. It was a big pile in the bathroom closet, 2 big tubs and a (twin) blanket,mesh bag, some sheets and a small couch pillow (cause my boy ate cereal on it and spilled milk)! I took my kids to their friends house and I took the laundry to the laundromat. After like 3 -4 hours and I think 6-7 loads and maybe $10. I went to get my kids and had clean laundry in the back of the van. I can't remember how long it was or how many loads or even how much it was. I feel like I went to war with the dirty laundry and it won. So now I'm home with the clean laundry and I'm staring it down. I'm trying to convince it to go too bed. But it keeps telling me I should go first. So here I sit blogging and my husband comes along and asks is I got my resume sent like I said I was going to do. How do I get so distracted? Why didn't God make more hours in the day. Hmmm....maybe cause I'm having a hard time organizing the time I already have. Hey, I'm a work in progress, aen't we all?! I have taken some before pic's but I'm not posting them yet. I'll save them for later.


Looney Mom™ said...

Congratulations! I've been working on a huge mound of laundry as well. I forgot to take before pics dangit, but trust me it's alot and I'm still not done.

Pfingston said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! Now, to put it away - that is my task tomorrow too! Keep plugging away at it, my dear friend, I will too.

rena said...

The laundry part is never tough..it's the folding and putting away. I hate doing that! We all deserve maids, don't we?

sarahgrace said...

Good for you for tackling your mountain of laundry...now to fold it and put it away....eh. I'm no fan of laundry..